How to make a gif

animated gif
Most of the overseas citizens of India are heirs to a piece of land or property in India owned by their parents, grandparents or great grandparents. Only handful have documents of the inherited property, a few would know the details and many know only the area it is located in. In fact out of those with documents and details, there is sizeable no. of NRI’s who have been deceived by their relatives in India……………………
The relatives or friends have made these non residents sign some papers (stating that it is an document to be used in their absence to look after the property), have had the property of the NRI’s transferred in their names, illegally occupy their lands, give wrong information about the documentation done regarding the land etc.
Mindsprings offers services to search all information gather all the information/documents pertaining to the ancestral property and help you understand the status of your title to the property. We offer the following services:
• Obtaining the documents including jamabandi / title proof/ documents pertaining to any mutations of the property from the revenue authorities.
• History of the owners of property.
• Map of the property.
• Photographs for the property. The sequence of the photographs is such that you feel that you have a virtual tour of your land. The photographs give an overview of the area, the road that leads to the land, the pictures of land from different positions etc.

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